Knowledge and hands on training in First aid is essentially required to save human life from traffic accidents , natural& man made calamities, cerebral or cardio vascular accidents and in all disaster management activities. It may be recalled that modern labour laws insist on the presence of one certified first aider among five employees. It is the same parameter for multiple areas or floors of the work place. As per the Direction of Kerala government order no.13108/D2/2012/labour and labour commissioner letter no. W(3)22329/2013 employees coming under shops and commercial establishment act 1960 ,Factories and boilers act are required to undergo First aid training through Red Cross with the help of their respective employer.
Introduction of Indian Red Cross Society/ St. Johns Ambulance India
Both Organizations are humanitarian voluntary organizations spread across the world. It is providing relief in times of disaster, emergencies and promote health care for the vulnerable population. Both Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) and St. Johns Ambulance are established under the Indian Red Cross Society Act and incorporated under Parliament Act XV of 1920. Honourable President of India is the President and Hon'ble Union Health Minister is the Chairman of the Society at National level. Hon’ble Governor is the president of IRCS, Kerala state branch and District Collector is the president of Kottayam district branch. Key Activities also includes First Aid, Home Nursing and allied training, First Aid posts to provide First Aid services in large public congregations, Provide ambulance services to transport casualties to hospitals.